Saturday, 12 November 2016


I closely followed US elections keenly observing each move that the two top canditates made. Hillary moved for good to better to ‘best’ while in the contrast Donald Trump moved from bad to worse. Each day came a revelation that made you hate trump even more. Trump made it worse by sometimes saying things that are not ‘politically correct’. But one asks, how come this guy defied all odds and became 45th President of United States of America?
While Clinton got endorsements from top most stars in the US; the Obamas, Jayz, Beyonce  just to mention but a few, Trump was endorsed by Wrestlemania and probably pornstars. Clinton got full backing of Democrats, most republicans saw Trump as unfit. The media focused on tarnishing Trump forgetting that any publicity is good publicity. The polls gave no bill of health. Trump was destined to fail. He was a joker anyway. But how did he win?
This is where we throw in the religious angle. Well I don’t think that many pundits will agree with me on this but, could it be that religion was a driving force in the just concluded elections? Were conservatives against the kind of an agenda the democrats were driving on? Will minority rights ( LGBTI) be undermined by Trump administration? Were Americans voting driven by conservative values?
Well I agree that all these were motivating factors. Looking at the kind of an agenda that Pence, his running mate was riding on then you can get the underlying factors deeply entrenched in Trump, Pence campaign. Pence appealed to religious conservatists, he kept on referring to upholding religious values. Despite trump being the typical guy who isn’t religious, his running mate is superbly religious. You will discover that Trumps verbal attacks on muslims was a way to woe the Christian population in a strategic way putting it up as a matter of security concerns.

Trump did not thrive on policies, he thrived on emotions. He stirred the emotions of religious population which is highly conservative and popular with democrats, he was able to get them in his camp despite wide knowledge of his vices. In politics when you appeal to emotions, values and interests of the people you win their hearts and triumph in the ballot.

Friday, 2 September 2016


Youth In motion camp
Young Achievers Network since its establishment in 2013 has been tirelessly working to see to it that youths have a platform for mentorship., charity and advocacy. We have gone to schools (primary, secondary and higher learning institutions) we have visited childrens home, we have worked with slum support groups, we have closely worked with local and international bodies to enhance youth voices and youth actions. These were our small winnings to ensure that the dreams, goals and visions of our youth are in motion.
Over time during our interactions with our volunteers, mentees and mentors we have identified the gap between dreams and actualization, static plans and rolled out plans, we have met people who have given up on their destiny, we have interacted with stories and testimonies of failure. But again we have also met champions built by resilience, determination and focus. Young people who are doing marvelous things in their 20s and 30s. These are people who broke the records, dared the undared, focused on the little things for big wins.
Bringing these two groups together has always been our joy. We have in several instances done it in our bi monthly cocktails, Forums, social media conversations  etc. But that is not enough! When we engaged some of our participants, the asked for more; more time, more youths, more days, more topics and even more speakers. In all humility as a platform for these young people we took up the challenge and organized our first ever camp, not because we were experts but because of the kind of belief our fellow youths have bestowed on us and we promised never to let them down. So 2nd-4th October 2015 we converged at IYF headquarters for an experience like no other. With youths drawn from almost all universities and colleges in Kenya, working class, hustlers and high level speakers and personalities we did it and that was just but the beginning.
One year later we want to do it same place but with a different touch, this time round we have opened up to more than 300 young people from Kenya and outside Kenya to come and be part of the movement. Youth In Motion camp is not just about spending 3 nights in  a place away from your bed, no. Its about setting those dead dreams, stalled visions and complicated careers into motion. It’s a journey of inspiration, motivation and rejuvenation. This is where contacts are exchanged, business deals are made, lifetime opportunities are carved and your future gets into motion. It’s a place to unwind , have fun and make it remarkable forever after, because that’s what it means to be young
This year’s Youth In Motion Camp will be held at IYF Headquarters starting 29th September- 2nd October 2016. Charges are 2000/=  payable via lipa na mpesa till 652372. Forward payment confirmation to Solomon on 0713234071. For any enquiries contact 0713234071/ 0724758827.

Tell a friend to tell a friend

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Social media; antisocial behaviours

Its 9:30 am , an early Tuesday morning especially for those of us who are are beneficiaries of hardworking entrepreneurs who worked themselves out to employ us an 8-5 kind of a job. Unfortunately other than being non risk takers, most of us are also lazy, so we need a few hours to pick up the pace needed at the workplace especially on the early days of the week. The situation has been made worse by the July weather which has negatively influenced us to change the dress code of this high profile (blue chip) institution. 
Everyone has arrived other than the usual suspect... Sheriff is the name we fondly call him. We are not any better than him though, we are busy catching up with latest hashtag on twitter , posting long inspirational messages on facebook, reading the blogs and team mafisi are doing their usual trolls on social media feeding their eyes with assets beyond their reach . This defines our hardworking culture (if my boss hears this) . 
For those who are curious about where i work lemmi help you understand the setting.Itss a high class office in the outskirts of the capital with unlimited internet access, for research of course; i mean everything we do here has a background of research, reading things such as 10 things you didn't know about vera sidika and such like important topics in life, isn't that research? Back to the description, this place has human beings of all age groups, some old enough to be sponsors and others young enough to be sponsored, some with big bellies and others with 6 pack (by the way this where i fall). our clients are human beings from all walks of life ranging from sponsored entities, sponsoring entities, hit and run , vacated entities etc. 

So this morning, we are just doing what we  ' love' doing. suddenly, Risper screams followed by a couples of oooh noo mumbles, everyone looked at her astonished. You see, Risper is this workplace socialite who is always in 6 inch heels, she is well endowed in areas like mathematics , gossip and celebrity news . Everyone loves to hate her, she is a zero chills kinda lady who will never publicly show her emotions,everything about her is mystery. In a great understanding of her character,the bosses threw him to the communications and PR department.

Everyone looks up in shock wondering what has happened to our rather composed socialite. She is uncontrollable, no one really understands what has transpired other than sheriff who happened to be walking in at that time and carelessly asks ''kwani sponsor amepull out'' of course no one listens to him. Our HR walks to her desk to calm her down and understand the situation. 

So after like 10 minutes, since the drama broke out everyone ha gathered information which would be enough to hold a press conference. The news were not Good, Risper had learnt of her father's death on Facebook after a neighbor had posted it on his wall. 

This got me thinking, how would i feel if i got such news on social media, this doubles up the pain of losing a loved one. It is not only absolute mediocrity but also very uncultured behavior. To the breed of bastards who compliment their self esteem with gossip and idle talk, Let not your love for gossiping go beyond our socialites and politicians, before you post that message on social media, ask yourself what will be the implications, who is getting that information. Imagine we still respect you even though you are not the first to give us the news....
Social media ethics are so needed!!!!!!!

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Passion for Christ

Passion 4 Christ.

Tried,tempted and tired
Defeated, struckdown and dismantled,
Strangled ,convicted and paralysed
For His Sake.
We have faced death along this journey,
But our faith stands strong,
That's why we call it passion for Christ.

With insults
Tonnes of insolence
But we keep to our silence
To answer them, we don't have a license,
For The Kingdom of God,
Is not a Matter of talk but of power,
So it becomes more than passion 4 Christ.

With moments of lack,
Days of Hunger,
Months of desperation,
Years of desertion,
This is our time of grief,
A moment of spiritual inspiration,
Soon we start the celebration.
Enjoying our Passion in Christ.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Shy Girl: The 6 Steps before Bounce Back After a Breakup

Shy Girl: The 6 Steps before Bounce Back After a Breakup: Photo Source: Everybody wants to win a breakup and you forget that, the real struggle begins after you...

Monday, 13 June 2016

Tribe ni jina, Kenya ni sisi

On Saturday I and a group of young people set out to Nyandarua county to mentor young high school students. It's not the first time I am doing it but there is something that makes this special was that I was going to a county I have never stepped foot into and more special was the young people who accompanied me. They were all from DIFFERENT TRIBES! Norah Moraa is a kisii from Nyamira county, Patrick is a Luo , Monica is Kalenjin and our host was a Kikuyu. As we travelled, joked, posed for photos and mentoring the students, we didn't do it because we were members of our specific TRIBES. No, we did it because we believe that every child in this country deserves better, not only from the government but from the society they grow up in. This is why I love being young, because youths means global. I am a firm believer of humanity, your tribe doesn't matter, what matters is our collective love and commitment to the future and the destiny of this great country. Shun TRIBALISM, commit to the future. Rise above Hate.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016


So now we are still in the streets 53 years and 7 days after the independence of this great country.  Young people have died  or have been injured as they put on demonstrations in the streets, lemmi do a quick recap to how it happened pre-independence. In those days, the liberation was led by the likes of Dedan Kimathi, General China and the likes. These guys drank, slept and ate the suffering that their followers were ‘enjoying’ .  They gave their all to the change they believed in, they did not relent or give up on the larger goal to fulfil selfish ambitions. They were in the line with their families for a course bigger than themselves. The ‘demons ‘ of the status quo feared them  because they knew how passionate they were to realize the independence of this country. Most of them died for this country to live beyond colonization. This was the same case during the second liberation.
Fast forward to today. A leader wakes up from a posh estate where house helps are paid more than MCAs. They drop their children and grandchildren to schools where presidential debates are held and shortly afterwards hold a breakfast meeting with the business community . After they have done what matters to them, they will now rush to remind you that you are poor because they are not in government, they will tell you to destroy toilets they don’t go to, burn vehicles they don’t own  and of course bear tear gas they cant withstand.  They will afterwards be driven by vehicles your whole village cannot buy even after receiving dowry for the born and unborn daughters. They will have a luncheon with the same people they were telling you to oppose and of course lift a glass for long lives and prosperity. Later that evening, they will hold a presser and throw a minute of silence (which is usually 16 seconds) for the departed souls who were your neighbours, workmates and family members. In their words they will say “ it is unfortunate that  they had to die fighting for this ‘country’ their souls give us a purpose to fight for a better country” and kaput!! That is the end of you.

Meanwhile their daughters are busy interviewing househelps, their sons are busy chasing after pretty young things and their wives are on shopping in Dubai. We shall plan a quick burial for you which of course will be another political rally. Rest in piece (pieces of trash)  brother!! Truth be told, you are not a hero. You are a disappointment to mankind and our country. This country does not want you to die for it, LIVE FOR YOUR COUNTRY. Living for your country does not mean that you shouldn’t stand up for the great ideals ,no. It means that you will work hard to see this country at a better place, not by destroying property, killing people and such like nonsense but by speaking out, embracing one another , paying your taxes faithfully, upholding integrity and voting in leaders who have a vision beyond their big bellies!!

Tuesday, 17 May 2016


On Monday 16th we were treated to a rather spectacular day during the #CordDemos. Well to people who have been in the streets before, they will tell you that this is how it has always been, especially on the police brutality. People from the 1980s went through this to get the ultimate goal realized. What was different in this is that, once the police descended on the protesters, the leaders were whisked off and taken to lavish hotels to watch as the common citizens were being harassed and brutalized. This tells you one thing, they are not ready to commit to the course, so why should you.
I have seen demonstrations by passionate activists such as Boniface Mwangi, Rev Njoya and Okiya Omtata among others. All these people had one thing in common, they stood on the front line and suffered as fellow protesters did. This describes passion and commitment. What was seen on Monday was a leadership which is there for the cameras and to build some PR and then when the going gets tough, they leave you to be roughed up alone.
THE TRUTH is even if you die, or you are jailed, they don’t care. Of course they will give a minute of silence in front of the cameras, but deep inside they are praying that many more will die for them to catch the attention they so badly need from local and international bodies. The will circulate your photos everywhere with loads of hashtags and even update some hypocritical ‘#RIP so and so, you fought a good fight; aluta continuathat will be the end of you and them. Back in the village we shall conduct fundraisings for months to bury you and you leave us the trouble of taking care of your children; of course we are not proud of you.
Kenya’s politicians are protectionist to each other, they will act as enemies in front of the cameras and dine and wine in the evening. In Uganda, the leader of a demonstration is treated in equal measure as any other protester, this is unfortunately not the case with Kenya. THEY CAN NEVER DO THAT TO THEIR FRIENDS. So you will suffer alone as they make calls to each other, making business deals using your blood. That is definitely not the course you are willing to die for.

Our freedom fighters put on a course before personal interests, they were ready to die for what they believed in not who they believed in; that’s the difference. Furthermore these are not the times that you should be dying for your country, this is the time to LIVE for your country. DON’T walk a journey with people who will leave you halfway. Walk with those willing to walk all the way with you. 

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Who are the people around you?

Some people come into your life
and they are like leaves on a tree.
They are only there for a season.
You can't depend on them or
count on them because they are
weak and only there to give you
shade. Like leaves, they are there
to take what they need and as soon
as it gets cold or a wind blows in
your life they are gone. You can't
be angry at them, it's just who
they are.
There are some people who come
into your life and they are like
branches on a tree. They are
stronger than leaves, but you have
to be careful with them. They will
stick around through most
seasons, but if you go through a
storm or two in your life it's
possible that you could lose them.
Most times they break away when
it's tough. Although they are
stronger than leaves, you have to
test them out before you run out
there and put all your weight on
them. In most cases they can't
handle too much weight. But
again, you can't be mad with
them, it's just who they are.
If you can find some people in
your life who are like the roots of a
tree then you have found
something special. Like the roots
of a tree, they are hard to find
because they are not trying to be
seen. Their only job is to hold you
up and help you live a strong and
healthy life. If you thrive, they are
happy. They stay low key and don't
let the world know that they are
there. And if you go through an
awful storm they will hold you up.
Their job is to hold you up, come
what may, and to nourish you,
feed you and water you. Just as a
tree has many limbs and many
leaves, there are few roots. Look at
your own life. How many leaves,
branches and roots do you have?
What are you in other people's

Shared From a friend

Sunday, 28 February 2016

I AM A LESBIAN; SO WHAT? a perspective of a gay

Part 2

My conversations with Judith here , who was only breaking out of the shell of silence and stigmatization got me thinking . My attempts to get Judith again to talk over the topic and hear her perspective were futile. I needed to hear from someone; curiosity was killing me, just as it is doing to you. So I asked one guy who is in the LGBTI category to share his story on how it started, how it has been up to date.
This guy, Brian to be specific is a man in his mid twenties, a student and a hustler. I have known him for quite a while now and he has kept his private life on low profile. He has had his share of drama in life but has continued being real to self. At first I could not even suspect that he was gay but with time I have come to learn alot about him. Being the scribe that I am , my work is to write what i hear not what i think so here is the story of Brian "I was born and raised in a conservative family, my parents were both leaders in the local church and going to church every Sunday was a norm for my sisters and I. Throughout childhood,  I could tell I was different, I was quiet, unsure of myself, socially anxious at most times. Before I even connected the word “gay” with two men liking each other, the other kids a had made it part of their vocabulary and readily let me know that I was.
I never paid any attention to their claims, it was not until Hugh school when my friends started getting attracted to the opposite sex and was I stuck with the realization that Iwasn’t at all interested in girls. Having brought up in a traditional setting, I knew I had to be 'normal' I tried going out with girls like my other friends but it just could not work.
After my first year in school, I discovered that there existed other people like I, I came to appreciate who I was. I decided to come out to my close friends, this would mark the beginning of my woes in school,I came face to face with discrimination based on who I was. I targeted by people who I confided in. Life stopped being normal for me.
Word got to the school administration and my parents were summoned to explain why their son is a homosexual, I was suspended for two weeks to 'be normal'. My family would make homophobic comments about me, my father would ridicule my walking style, I was told that my voice was not man enough, my height was put on the radar and u was prohibited from having male friends. I became some sort of a bad omen to my family. My uncles banned me from hanging out with my cousins for the fear of infecting them with the homosexual devil
My life back in school was difficult during the first week after the suspension,  my items were stolen a complain to the administration would be met with arrogance and the misfortune termed as my own making
Life took a drastic turn, I was raised as if I was my own sister, I had to make plans that a guy my age would not imagine making in a normal setting. I had to plan on how I would survive if I was disowned, life became meaningless, my father enrolled me for counselling sessions at the local church, society viewed me as a psychological case. I was lectured on how the devil was using me to destroy my family's lineage. To me I believe that We are born in a society full of contradictions, we are brought up accepting murderers but killing and bashing people whose only crime is to love differently. 

I know you have alot to say about this but the guy spoke his heart. In part 3 we shall seek to have a religious perspective on it and we shall be done on this series. 

Enjoy you reading

Saturday, 13 February 2016


Part 1

“Am a lesbian” Judith said this, looking straight into my eyes. That statement rang hundreds of times in my head, I could not see or conceptualize how a girl I had a crush on since the day I met her was one of the most ‘dreaded’ people in the society. I had been trying to make advances to Judith a couple of times but she always turned me down, I couldn’t understand why since I had never seen her with a man before neither had I ever heard her ‘praise’ her sponsor as many chiqs her age would do to push away the attention of ‘small fish’ like me . Judith was a dazzling beauty; her eyes spoke of innocence, her smile was enough to make you spend your last coin, even if it means consulting our friend in risky times, Mshwari. She was a down to earth girl with manners only related to a good upbringing and strict parenthood, she was calm, friendly and quiet most of the times. She could make my ideal lifetime partner!
For a moment I wanted to ask tens of question but somehow my mouth kept shut. I was trying to answer these questions as they passed through my mind. I was dumbfounded! I know you are now thinking that I had never had of any lesbian, gay, and all those terms used to describe people who do not subscribe to our way of ‘choosing partners’- just to be polite. For your information, I know many of them, and to set the record straight I have no issue with them in particular and neither am I one of them. Judith had still held her eye contact with me, I could tell that it took a lot of courage to say these 3 words, this had taken me by surprise. Why Judith why? I couldn’t control myself but ask this question, I had ignored this urge to ask a question but emotions overtook me and as they say; emotions are like an urge to pee, once you get the urge to let it out, it doesn’t matter where you are, who you are or what you want, you just have to gratify that desire.
For a while Judith hovered her eye contact from me and looked around the not so crowded Java garden city, this is the exact place I had met her 6 months ago while on a family day out, no not exactly a family day out but a familiarization day, to get a closer experience with this gargantuan (I hope I spelt this right) mall that had taken the city by a squall. On that day I was in the company of my sister and her two sons, unfortunately or fortunately we the tables were all occupied expect for this one table that only enjoyed the company of a beautiful lady; of course my sister noticed my intentions, but who cares; I got the number at the end of it all and the rest is a story for another day. Back to Judith, she seemed to be looking for an answer probably in a hidden folder in her head, I did not interrupt. She again shifted her focus to me as if to ask ‘are you ready for this?’ I nodded my head to remind her that I was listening to her feelings. Then after a moment she let it out, “I don’t know.” At this stage I didn’t need rocket science to realize that this conversation was not healthy. It had to be ended somehow and somehow I ended it  (it sounds like a fairy tale)
As I went home I was literally counting the number of people I know who are in the category of Judith, of course I only know a handful but truth be said, and how many more are like her, many. Of course many people will tell you that these are the end time signs, ooh this generation does not fear God, oooh these are idle minds which have become devils workshop and all sort of things that armchair analysts, blind believers and their followers will say.  But as layman who understands his position in a world where: people claim to be conflict managers yet they cannot live in peace in their houses, individuals who can’t write a sentence without a mistake, call themselves bloggers, someone with meagre followers on social media call themselves social media gurus, counselling psychologists are committing suicide more than anyone else: I will stick to my role which is to think like a layman and allow the analysts to judge me on hearsay.
I don’t care if someone is gay, lesbian, Trans gender, bisexual or straight. It’s not my duty to judge them, but it’s my right to speak about them and probably speak to them. Why would someone lose interest in the opposite gender and find satisfaction in someone who is of a similar gender. Lack of morals, will be a quick answer. But let me remind you a little bit, are we the same society where we have  brought up girls telling them that:  all men are dogs, men will always cheat on you, do not submit to a man, go to school and conquer men, never allow men close to you and all kinds of theories. Boys on the other hand were canned for writing a letter to a girl on the onset of adolescence, we told them: that women will make you poor, women are selfish, women are terrible liars, a real man has a to be a lion that roars in the house, that romantic and loving to a woman is being weak and all sorts of theoretical perspectives peddled by failures in life, who have never been in a relationship but claim to be relationship experts.

Of course some of these theories just like fairy stories in the past, are important. But, my question is, who rectify the perception when these young boys and girls grow up, NOBODY. Therefore  we have built a crisis on our own , because the fact is these children will grow up one day, challenge the theory and ooops the worst happens that the first thing that life hands them is a justification that this is the reality of life, while its not. So the will seek the next second alternative, your guess is as right as mine. Let’s change the perspective about relationships and we do not risk a culture shift or else continue doing the same things, in the same way, then fast for 40 days, buy expensive anointing oil for your children etc. But I will promise you that blood pressure, diabetes and all those other diseases you dread will be your portion. Before you tell your daughter or son not to spoil your ‘reputation’ if you have any, what kind of a story have you put up for them about life, marriage and relationships? Its time to change the conversation and build our culture. We have not lost it all but I will assure you that we might not be assured of it at all if the trend continues. 

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Fish Story: Inspired Sunday

Worth reading...this fish story

The Japanese have always loved fresh fish

But the water close to Japan has not held many fish for decades.

So to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went farther than ever.

The further the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring the fish

If the return trip took more time, the fish  were not fresh.

To solve this problem, fish companies installed freezers on their boats.

They would catch the fish and freeze them at sea.

Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay longer.

However, the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen fish and they did not like the taste of frozen fish

The frozen fish brought a lower price.

So, fishing companies installed fish tanks.

They would catch the fish  and stuff them in the tanks, fin to fin.

After a little thrashing around, they were tired, dull, and lost their fresh-fish taste.

The fishing industry faced an impending crisis!

But today, they get fresh-tasting fish to Japan.

How did they manage...?

To keep the fish  tasting fresh, the Japanese fishing companies still put the fish in the tanks but with a small shark

The fish are challenged and hence are constantly on the move.

The challenge they face keeps them alive and fresh!

Have you realized that some of us are also living in a pond but most of the time tired and dull....?

Basically in our lives, sharks  are new challenges to keep us active.

If you are steadily conquering
challenges, you are happy.

Your challenges keep you energized.

Don’t create Success and revel in it in a state of inertia.

You have the resources, skills and abilities to make a difference.

Put a shark  a positive and self foward looking challenge in your tank in the year 2016 and see how far you can really go.... Isaiah 40:30-31 read it please ....

Shared from a friend

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Billionaire In Your Twenties

Being a billionaire is everyone's dream, but a reality for only a few of us. Reason being that we are either not doing things in the right way or we are not moving the right direction. Everyone's goal is to be more and do less. I mean who loves working that hard. But I came across this article by Tucker Hughes ( a billionaire at 22) on and was more than amused . Take a look and learn about 7 ways of becoming a billionaire in your early 20's

1. Age is just a number.
2. Reinvest in yourself.
3. Avoid decision fatigue.
4. Build a resilient mind.
5. Think big. Be big.
6. Be methodical.
7. Believe in yourself.

As of this writing, I’m 22. In the last 12 months I’ve generated a million dollars in commissions in one of the most competitive industries on the planet, where my average competitor is at least double my age with 10 times the tenure in the business. I have a master’s degree from a prestigious university, which I received when I was 20 after fast-tracking four years of school. I’ve traveled to more than 50 countries, completed 13 triathlons and have an extremely happy, stimulating life.
Things are very good -- but the future wasn’t always so bright.
When I finished graduate school, I moved to California's Orange County to launch a new office for my family’s commercial real-estate business. The first couple of months were brutal, and I quickly came to the conclusion that the success we’d have (if any) would be astronomically more difficult than I could ever have imagined. Despite being an overachiever all my life, I found myself wondering how to truly excel in the real world when it all finally mattered.
After reinventing the wheel for myself time and time again I’ve come to realize that the secret to millennial success in the business world is a combination of grit and creative thinking. Here are the seven mental shifts I implemented to turbo-charge my growth.
Embrace your youth wholeheartedly. If you spin your age as an asset, which can be done in a variety of ways, it can be an extremely powerful differentiator. The moment you begin to give yourself an excuse for not being successful is the moment of almost certain failure.
If you believe you can really make it then you will make it. Besides, there is nothing people want to see more than a hard-working, intelligent and dedicated young professional who succeeds. Create a snowball of momentum that makes people want to be a part of your life.
The safest investment I’ve ever made is in my future. Read at least 30 minutes a day, listen to relevant podcasts while driving and seek out mentors vigorously. You don’t just need to be a master in your field, you need to be a well-rounded genius capable of talking about any subject whether it is financial, political or sports related. Consume knowledge like air and put your pursuit of learning above all else.
I also believe that it is critically important to spoil yourself to a healthy extreme in order to reward your hard work and avoid burnout. Consider splurging on memorable experiences and luxuries that will enhance your lifestyle. I get a weekly massage like clockwork, and it is one of the best productivity hacks I employ.
Attention is a finite daily resource and can be a bottleneck on productivity. No matter the mental stamina developed over time, there is always going to be a threshold where you break down and your remaining efforts for the day become suboptimal.
Conserve your mental power by making easily reversible decisions as quickly as possible and aggressively planning recurring actions so you can execute simple tasks on autopilot. I know what I am wearing to work and eating for breakfast each day next week. Do you?

The biggest differentiator between mediocrity and meteoric success is the ability to work productively for hours at a time. These long stretches are when important work is almost exclusively completed. Focus is paramount and, without intentionally developing mental stamina, you won’t be able to effectively compete with those who have systematically built up their endurance over decades in the business world.
Fast track your skills by being mindful of distractions and recognizing when you begin to wander out of focus. Perform a thorough analysis of your daily activities each night and aggressively seek opportunities for improvement.
The science behind goal setting and its remarkable ability to accelerate success is infallible. If you don’t already have your one-, five- and 10-year goals written out and visible to you on a daily basis, do so right now. I read mine the second I wake up every single morning. Now ask yourself, what would have to happen to accomplish your 10-year goals in just one year?
The inherent power in maintaining consistency with your acknowledged goals can work both positively and negatively, and is cause for concern if you anchor yourself to a slower timeline of achievement. Be mindful and diligent in charting an optimal path that pushes you to your limit.
Plan your work and then work your plan. Perhaps my biggest breakthrough was large-scale automation of my marketing systems. I created a process that allowed me to quintuple my marketing output while increasing my conversion rate considerably.
The simplest way to put your own content plan in motion is to create a multi-step campaign that touches a prospect through a variety of different mediums every week for at least a month. Follow a logical order and craft your content in a persistent way, while never becoming annoying.
Not in a sales role? You can take a similar approach to any analytical, creative or administrative position by developing rigid organizational systems that help improve your efficiency when faced with repetitive tasks.
If not you, then who? Someone has to make it, and nothing is stopping you from being the person who accomplishes your wildest dreams. Nearly every person who has ever failed has had an excuse. Successful people have stories of the challenges that they overcame with creative solutions. The moment you confidently feel that there is nothing you can’t learn or develop to solve the most complex of problems is the moment of guaranteed greatness.
If you still aren’t sure how to begin, start with a promise to work towards the achievement of consistent excellence each moment of every day. This is the basic building block and mentality with which I am building my career.
Keep it simple and remember that success is not an entitlement. If you really want to excel, you have to get out there and earn it every day for the rest of your life.