Tuesday, 17 May 2016


On Monday 16th we were treated to a rather spectacular day during the #CordDemos. Well to people who have been in the streets before, they will tell you that this is how it has always been, especially on the police brutality. People from the 1980s went through this to get the ultimate goal realized. What was different in this is that, once the police descended on the protesters, the leaders were whisked off and taken to lavish hotels to watch as the common citizens were being harassed and brutalized. This tells you one thing, they are not ready to commit to the course, so why should you.
I have seen demonstrations by passionate activists such as Boniface Mwangi, Rev Njoya and Okiya Omtata among others. All these people had one thing in common, they stood on the front line and suffered as fellow protesters did. This describes passion and commitment. What was seen on Monday was a leadership which is there for the cameras and to build some PR and then when the going gets tough, they leave you to be roughed up alone.
THE TRUTH is even if you die, or you are jailed, they don’t care. Of course they will give a minute of silence in front of the cameras, but deep inside they are praying that many more will die for them to catch the attention they so badly need from local and international bodies. The will circulate your photos everywhere with loads of hashtags and even update some hypocritical ‘#RIP so and so, you fought a good fight; aluta continuathat will be the end of you and them. Back in the village we shall conduct fundraisings for months to bury you and you leave us the trouble of taking care of your children; of course we are not proud of you.
Kenya’s politicians are protectionist to each other, they will act as enemies in front of the cameras and dine and wine in the evening. In Uganda, the leader of a demonstration is treated in equal measure as any other protester, this is unfortunately not the case with Kenya. THEY CAN NEVER DO THAT TO THEIR FRIENDS. So you will suffer alone as they make calls to each other, making business deals using your blood. That is definitely not the course you are willing to die for.

Our freedom fighters put on a course before personal interests, they were ready to die for what they believed in not who they believed in; that’s the difference. Furthermore these are not the times that you should be dying for your country, this is the time to LIVE for your country. DON’T walk a journey with people who will leave you halfway. Walk with those willing to walk all the way with you.