Monday 13 June 2016

Tribe ni jina, Kenya ni sisi

On Saturday I and a group of young people set out to Nyandarua county to mentor young high school students. It's not the first time I am doing it but there is something that makes this special was that I was going to a county I have never stepped foot into and more special was the young people who accompanied me. They were all from DIFFERENT TRIBES! Norah Moraa is a kisii from Nyamira county, Patrick is a Luo , Monica is Kalenjin and our host was a Kikuyu. As we travelled, joked, posed for photos and mentoring the students, we didn't do it because we were members of our specific TRIBES. No, we did it because we believe that every child in this country deserves better, not only from the government but from the society they grow up in. This is why I love being young, because youths means global. I am a firm believer of humanity, your tribe doesn't matter, what matters is our collective love and commitment to the future and the destiny of this great country. Shun TRIBALISM, commit to the future. Rise above Hate.

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